Office of Hostel Management - IIT Madras
Office of Hostel Management - IIT Madras


Instructions :

  • Fill all the mandatory fields.
  • Registration form will get enabled only when Institute given application number and Student ID is entered correctly.
  • Filling the Roll Number and Application Number is mandatory fields. Whatever you have (Roll No or Application No), please filled it in both fields.
  • Candidate should have the following for registration.
    Photo of the candidate (Dimension of photo 300 x 700, image size less than 2MB)
    Digital signature of candidate and parent (size less than 2 MB)
  • Candidate should read and accept the hostels rules and regulation and other forms before registration.
  • Once student completed all steps a PDF will generated. Take a print out of the PDF and submit it in the time of hostel admission.
  • After this, a link to hostel fees payment will be displayed to pay the fees.
Upload Documents :

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