Student Wellness Resources Overview

IIT Madras seeks to facilitate a holistic environment where students and researchers are empowered to pursue their goals and achieve excellence. Such support is complete only when mental health needs are also acknowledged and met.

Everyone is likely to be in need of mental health support at various points in their lives. This could be brought about by anything from exam stress, anxieties about the future, and interpersonal relationships to diagnosed mood disorders. The DoSt Office takes mental health concerns seriously and seeks to accommodate all its students and researchers. The following resources have been made available. You are encouraged to seek the help you need from these and other reliable care providers, as well as any required accommodations from administration and faculty.

Wellness Community Centre

The Wellness Community Centre, IIT Madras vouches for the holistic wellbeing of the student community. Proactive, retroactive, professional, and career guidance facilities are available on the campus in different forms to ensure student empowerment.

The following three teams work in cohesion to provide assistance for the wellbeing of the Institute community.

The Wellness Community Centre, IIT Madras vouches for the holistic wellbeing of the student community. Proactive, retroactive, professional, and career guidance facilities are available on the campus in different forms to ensure student empowerment.

  1. SAATHI is a proactive platform for the self-growth and well-being of students. The SAATHI team focuses on proactive measures that raise awareness in the campus about various pertinent issues and plan several informal gatherings, lectures, and sessions, open to all.
  2. MITR is the retroactive body of students and faculty. The motto of MITR is 'No one in the campus should be unattended in their emotional distress'. MITR members offer emotional and other forms of support to students according to their needs.
  3. Wellness Centre is the body of licensed mental health professionals. Students can walk in to discuss their concerns with the professionals. All session information is kept CONFIDENTIAL, unless it holds a threat to the student or others.

IIT Madras provides various counselling services, headed by:
Advisor (Wellness): Prof. Sarith P Sathian (, 94986 65027)

Please see below for the list of available facilities.

Available Counselling Services

IIT Madras offers the following counselling services for students and staff.
Please find the available hours for each service in the attachments below:

Counselling facility at Wellness Centre

Counselling facility at Institute Hospital
(Online Counselling)

Helpline: 044 4813 6222
Book an appointment:


Wellness Centre

The IIT Madras Wellness Centre is dedicated to a holistic approach to student health. It is staffed by mental health professionals whose foremost concern is student wellbeing.

The Wellness Centre is located in the first floor of the DoSt Office Building. The counsellors are available from 10 am to 6 pm (Monday to Saturday). Appointments may be taken either by email or one may simply walk in to the Wellness Centre..


A top-down mental health initiative implemented by the IIT Madras administration, the BeHappy website is the place for students and researchers to access grievance redressal mechanisms, counselling helplines, and reach out to volunteer Listeners (including faculty and alumni). It also documents the outcomes of wellness surveys, training programmes, and other initiatives implemented by IIT Madras.

Please visit the website here.


Mitr is a student-led peer-counselling and support program. Their motto is ?No one in the campus should be unattended in their emotional distress.? Mitr volunteers include both faculty and students, and are given basic counselling and empathy training. Mitr strives for an accessible presence in all hostels and departments.

Advisor: Prof. Ramesh L. Gardas (, +91-44-2257-4248)
Student Head: Dinesh Bandi (


Saathi is a proactive student-led program that focuses on self-growth and wellbeing. Saathi conducts regular talks and skill development programs through the academic year, including the Student Mentorship Cell, Academic Buddies, and Hobby Buddies, to facilitate bonding over shared interests, and growth through shared accountability.

Advisor: Dr. Beeraiah Baire (, 94440 94431)

Dean (Students)

The Dean can be contacted directly at +91 94440 08050.

Our aim is to promote well-being among students and researchers, enabling you to excel in all spheres of life. Help us to help you by simply reaching out to us, if need be.